Moved from the discovery of a problem and seeking viable solutions, and initiating purposeful action for personal, familial, vocational and community betterment prompted the action-group of Rodolfo Sta. Maria Confesor, Roy Alolor Ordinario, Talek Jamias Pablo, Vedasto Sario Venida, Restituto Alfonso and Romeo Fortes to form the ORDER OF THE U.P. TRISKELIONS. Initially however, this small group did not much influence the times and decisions within the university that for a second time it was renamed ORDER OF THE GRAND TRISKELIONS. The name of the elite order was once again changed to the TRISKELIONS GRAND FRATERNITY. Finding a common bond of interests and principles, the group finally had identified the trend then fashionable among the studentry- Greek lettered fraternities. Based on this observation, the Founding Fathers decided to name the Fraternity TAU GAMMA PHI on October 4, 1968 at the University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City. Convinced of the success of a unified endeavor, the founding fathers proved to be real pillars of strength that was later manifested in the recognition of the Fraternity within the academe as an order of the intellectual elite and in society as a powerful force to catalyze change.
Showing the public its organizational discipline, collective determination and good examples, the Fraternity got the attention and respect of the University of the Philippines student body. In the process, the enlightened group of Bro. Jun Flor took the leap-of-faith to the TAU GAMMA PHI in 1969 at Cavite - the first site of formal initiation. Under the leadership of Rodolfo Sta. Maria Confessor, the first Grand Triskelion, the Fraternity wielded influence and control which reached to tile heights of dominance in the College of Arts and Sciences (C.A.S.). These were trying times politically at the U.P. much so that the Fraternity founded its own political party which was named KAKASA.. The C.A.S. at that time was the dominant college within the university with regard to the logic of numbers and student personalities, our brothers included. Reaping the fruits of labor, discipline and confidence in the Diliman community, the Triskelion principles reverberated outside of the U.P. — Diliman. The Fraternity found a new home in the Philippine Maritime Institute (P.M.I.) on August 3, 1969. A few months later, on March 5, 1970, another group of students at the Feati UniversityFeati University, the Fraternity explored time at Mapua Institute of Technology (M.I.T.). The MIT Chapter was born on April 1970. Following these developments, the wave of chapter foundation came to the National University (NU). Theare, the Fraternity found acceptance among the studentry. On October 23, 1970, the National University Chapter was founded. Trying to find Christian home for the TAU GAMMA PHI, the University of Santo Tomas Chapter (U.S.T.) was founded on March 1, 1971. embraced the Tenets and Codes of Conduct of the TRISKIELIONS GRAND FRATERNITY. Following the success at P.M.I. and Even in the most adverse circumstances, the Fraternity, true to its noble ideals, continued to evolve into a truly pro-people Brotherhood— strong and unified with the masses with its own distinct set of characteristics, rites and traditions. The Triskelion Hymn was arranged by Bro. Ben Beltran together with Bro. Toots Mijares and Bro. Jojo Quimpo of the University of the Philippines. The subjection mark in the center of the chest was informally adopted by most of the chapters in 1973. It accidentally started in one of the initiation rites conducted by the University of Santo Tomas Chapter in 1971. The Three-legged symbol of the Triskelions was given a deeper meaning and Ritual Rites were developed. With the establishment of numerous chapters in such a short span of time, a need to address problems endemic to a dynamic and fast growing organization became evident. Therefore, in 1971, the Metro Manila Regional Council (MMRC) was established in the First Regional Convention held in Narvaez Farms. It was tasked to coordinate the movements of the various chapters, harness the resources, and collectively decide on matters vital to the Fraternity. Bro. Florentino ‘Jun’ Flor Jr., M.DG-UP 1969, was elected as the first Secretary-General of the MMRC 1971-72 followed by Bro Joel Rillo, UST Chapter was the second Secretary General 1972-73. Martial Law was declared on September 21, 1972. All activities involving free expression of ideas were outlawed and all school-based organizations were closely monitored for semblance of ‘subversive’ activities. But the repressive climate did not deter the brothers from pursuing their vision of propagating the universal principles of the TAU GAMMA PHI to the entire student populace. On July 8.1973, Adamson University Chapter became the first chapter to be founded under the Martial Law Regime which was founded and sponsored by UST Chapter. In the same year, the National College of Business Administration Chapter in Manila was founded.
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